Cómo combatir la adiposidad localizada con estética profesional

Most people who suffer from localized adiposity suffer from impaired microcirculation that causes a reduction in tissue oxygenation, with possible localized pain, caused by underlying inflammation.

When we talk about localized adiposity we refer, specifically, to fat localized in specific areas such as hips, thighs, abdomen, calves, arms, and buttocks. Often these accumulations are not caused by an overweight situation but also by hereditary factors, an incorrect lifestyle, or the intake of specific drugs.

Fighting localized adiposity with professional aesthetics

Professional aesthetics can help combat this imperfection, thanks to a series of targeted treatments. Today we are talking about one of the most effective: alternating polarity radiofrequency, a technology applicable to all areas where there is a tendency to have fatty deposits such as the abdomen, hips, arms, thighs, calves, and buttocks, usable by both women and men. . Based on the use of alternating polarity waves, the radiofrequency acts on the membrane of fat cells, concentrating the heat on the panniculus to make it collapse to release fatty acids (which will then be eliminated by our lymphatic system).

The support of thermographic analysis

From the first session it is possible to see a marked improvement in the condition but, to be sure, we recommend carrying out a thermographic analysis of localized adiposity both before and after the treatment. Through this examination, it is possible to detect the condition of the subcutaneous tissue by identifying the areas of soft adiposity, distinguishing them from those of hardened adiposity: in this way, our beautician or trusted doctor will be able to set the treatment most effectively. possible.

The thermographic analysis is based on the use of high-resolution liquid crystal thermographic plates that are simply placed on the area to be analyzed: in a few seconds, it will be possible to view the condition of the underlying tissues.

Being an analysis completely free of contraindications, it is suitable for anyone and can be easily performed both before and after each treatment.

Usually, 3-4 treatments of about 30 minutes are needed but, depending on the condition, both the number and the duration can vary. During the treatment, there is only a pleasant sensation of heat, absolutely not painful or annoying, and it is possible to return immediately to normal daily activities.

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