What are localized adiposities?

Localized adiposity, as we have seen in previous articles, is an aesthetic and functional problem that affects a good portion of the population, be it men or women, regardless of age.

We are talking about a problem localized in some specific parts of the body, often dictated not only by an overweight condition but also by hereditary factors, an incorrect lifestyle, pathologies, or the intake of specific types of drugs.

How are they formed?

The formation of localized adiposity is influenced by a multiplicity of factors that concur with each other to give rise to the disorder.

Most people who suffer from this problem also manifest an altered microcirculation that causes a reduction in tissue oxygenation, with possible localized pain, caused by the underlying inflammation.

Fighting adiposity starting from thermographic analysis

The starting point of any treatment, be it cosmetic, dietary, aesthetic, or medical aesthetic, always involves a correct analysis of the starting condition: this can be done using an innovative technology called “Contact Thermography“.

This analysis is based on the use of high-resolution liquid crystal thermographic plates that are simply placed on the area to be analyzed: in a few seconds, it will be possible to view the condition of the underlying tissues, distinguishing the soft adiposities from the hardened ones, and then rely on the experts hands of our trusted professional.

We are talking about an easy exam, completely free of contraindications for the patient, and painless: these characteristics make it perfect and suitable for anyone, as well as repeatable over time to monitor the progress of the treatments we have undergone.

Once the starting condition has been identified, our reference professional will be able to recommend both the best type of treatment to be carried out and the number of sessions necessary to obtain the desired result (without ever forgetting to combine the treatment with an improvement in nutrition and lifestyle that must necessarily be healthier and suited to our real needs).

Contact thermography is an entirely Made in Italy technology, created by IPS s.r.l., near Milan.